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What is Fasti Congressuum ?

Who Are We ?

Romans used to call fasti to chronologically organized records. Originally, fasti were the days in which public events were allowed: coming from fas, that which is legitimate in Gods’ eyes. So, Romans exposed calendars in their cities with necessary instructions for daily life. Eventually, documents recording magistrates and most important events each year were also called fasti. These traditions are combined to name this proyect, Fasti Congressuum.


Every week, somewhere in the world, a congress, seminar, encounter, conference or workshop is hold, with a subject directly related with Classics. The interest generated by this period within the academic world leads to an exchange of ideas which is hard to track. Fasti Congressuum is born with the aim of becoming a useful tool for professionals, researchers, students and amateurs by compiling the greatest number of events as possible in a single calendar with two kinds of information: Call for Papers and Congress programs. Topics are framed in the many aspects of Classics: Rome, Greece, Egypt, East, History, Proto-History, Archaeology, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Art, Philology, Literature, Philosophy, Reception, Topography, Law...


Accepting the challenge of helping to transmit information about encounters and debates on Antiquity, we welcome and encourage you to collaborate with us.

M. Cristina de la Escosura Balbás



U. Zaragoza - Juan de la Cierva Postdoc


Latin Epigraphy. Roman Republica. Latinity and citizienship. Immigration from Hispania.



Elena Duce Pastor


U. Autónoma Madrid - PhD


Greek History. Gender. Marriage. Economy. Classical reception.



M. del Mar Rodríguez Alcocer


U. Complutense Madrid - PhD


Greek History. Sparta. Greek religion. Gender. Orality.



David Serrano Lozano


U. Santiago Compostela - PhD student


Roman epigraphy. NW Hispania. Romanization. Classical reception.



Irene Cisneros Abellán


U. Zaragoza - PhD


Greek History.

Gender. Economy. Retailing. Daily life.



Nerea Tarancón Huarte


U. Complutense Madrid - PhD student


Egyptian History.

Army and encampment. Military life.



Fasti  Congressuum Activity

Articles / book chapters:


(2016). "Fasti Congressuum: A Useful Online Tool for Congresses and Call for Papers". A. Ippolito & M. Cigola (eds.): Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Digital Preservation and Information Modeling, IGI Global, 26-44. [link]


(2016). “Renovando la difusión de Call for Papers y Congresos de la Antigüedad: Fasti Congressuum, una propuesta desde las Humanidades Digitales”, Revista Digital Universitaria vol. 17 n. 12 [link]


(2018). “Llamando a las puertas del mundo académico: Fasti Congressuum y los inicios de la investigación”. L. Jiménez Justicia & A. J. Quiroga Puertas (eds.): Ianus. Innovación docente y reelaboraciones del legado clásico, Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, Annablume Editora Comunicação, 141-152...

Congress papers:


“Fasti Congressuum” II Reunión de Doctorandos en Estudios del Mundo Antiguo. U. Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). 03/03/2016 - 04/03/2016


"Fasti Congressuum: inicios, desarrollo y perspectivas de futuro para un proyecto digital sobre la difusión de Call for papers y Congresos sobre la Antigüedad", Tercer Encuentro de Humanistas Digitales, Colegio de México - U. Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico). 12/09/2016 - 14/09/2016 [link]


“Cazando congresos: el proyecto Fasti”, III Reunión de Doctorandos en Estudios del Mundo Antiguo. U. Complutense de Madrid (Spain). 01/12/2016 - 02/12/2016


“Fasti Congressuum. Plataforma interdisciplinar de difusión de la investigación sobre la Antigüedad”, I Jornadas UCM sobre medios digitales para la investigación en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. U. Complutense de Madrid (Spain). 12/01/2017 - 13/01/2017


“De congresos perdidos a congresos difundidos: una solución desde las Humanidades Digitales”, II Jornadas de Doctorandos. Humanidades Digitales: Historia, Arte y Arqueología. U. Carlos III de Madrid (Spain). 09/03/2017 - 10/03/2017



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