Tra le pendici del Quirinale e il Campo Marzio - 10-11/12/2020, Online (Youtube)
Coins from Roman military sites. Theory, methodology and practice - 18/12/2020, Online (Zoom)
Speaking Images: The Byzantine Ekphrasis - 11/12/20202, Online (Zoom)
V Santuários, Cultura, Arte, Romarias, Peregrinações, Paisagens e Pessoas - 09-13/12/2020, Online
I Seminario de Música y Danza en el Mundo Antiguo - 04/12/2020, Online (Microsoft Teams)
Ancient Life Sciences: Aristotelian and Hellenistic Approaches - 07-08/12/2020, Online
Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World - 20-21-22-23/06/2021, Jerusalem (Israel)
CALL. 31.12.2020: Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World - Jerusalem (Israel)
ASMOSIA XIII International Conference - 20-21-22-23-24-25/09/2021, Wien (Austria)
CALL. 15.12.2020: ASMOSIA XIII International Conference - Wien (Austria)