CALL.11.02.2021: [SESSION 7] Producing power: Exploring... (EAA2021) - Kiel (Germany)
Proto-Indo-European Reconstruction: Problems, possibilities... -01-02/10/2021, Online
CALL. 31.03.2021: Proto-Indo-European Reconstruction: Problems, possibilities... - Online
Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA2021) - 8-11/09/2021, Kiel(Germany)
V Santuários, Cultura, Arte, Romarias, Peregrinações, Paisagens e Pessoas - 09-13/12/2020, Online
Crisis, catástrofes y proceso histórico en el Mediterráneo Antiguo - 17/09/2020 (Online)
[POSTPONED] Connected Past 2021: Artefactual Intelligence - 29-30/09/2021, Aarhus (Denmark)
La Europa de las materias primas en el 1er milenio a.n.e. (45º Coloquio Internacional de la AFEAF) -
CALL. 20.10.2020: La Europa de las materias primas en el 1er milenio a.n.e. (45º Coloquio Internacio
AAIA 40th Anniversary Conference: "Mobility and Settlement in the Eastern Mediterranean focusse