AMPAL 2020-2021: Fear in Ancient Culture - 17-18-19/06/2021, Online (Teams)
CALL. 25.04.2021: AMPAL 2020-2021: Fear in Ancient Culture - Online (Teams)
Italia settentrionale e regioni dell´arco alpino tra V e VI sicolo - 15-16-17/04/2021, (Online)
CALL. 31.03.2021:The Power of Anonymity in the Material, Historical,and Literary...-Müncher(Germany)
Dinámicas sociales y roles entre mujeres: percepciones en grupos de...- 11-12/03/2021, (Online)
Self-Representation in Late Antiquity and Byzantium - 26-27-28/02/2021, (Online)
Von analog zu digital:Konzeptionen der Keilschriftforschung im 21 Jahrhundert- 26-27/02/2021, Online
CALL.11.02.2021: [SESSION 11] Of The Water: Fish and Molluscs ... (EAA2021) - Kiel (Germany)
CALL.11.02.2021: [SESSION 10] The Long Fourth Century BC (EAA2021) - Kiel (Germany)
CALL.15.02.2021: [SESSION 9] Touching Objects, Feeling Materials (EAA2021) - Kiel (Germany)