I Congreso Iberoamericano de Jóvenes Investigadores en Egiptología (CIJIE)- 06-07-08/02/2021, Online
CALL.15.02.2021: I Congreso Iberoamericano de Jóvenes Investigadores en Egiptología (CIJIE) - Online
Frames and Framing in Antiquity II: "Sources in Contexts –Materiality... -15-16-17/10/2021, (Online)
CALL.10.02.2021: Frames and Framing in Antiquity II: "Sources in Contexts –Materiality... - (Online)
CALL. 15.02.2021: [PANEL 8] "Literary Texts As Objects"(2022 AIA/SCS) - San Francisco (CA, USA)
Miraggi d'eternità: le mummie egizie dal tempo dei papiri ad oggi - 03/12/2020, Online (Zoom)
Journée Annuelle Non-thématique du Séminaire Universitaire "Synoikismos" - 24/11/2020, Bru
Cultural Exchanges in Ancient Egypt - 10-11/06/2020, (Online)
Editing Greek and Roman Fragmentary Drama: A Word to the Editors [POSTPONED] - 23/03/2020, Oxford (E
CALL. 30.09.2020: [PANEL 11] "Layout and Materiality of Writing in Ancient Documents from the