Cracking Open the Contact Zone: Imperialism and Indigenous... - 09-10/04/2021, (Online)
CALL. 15.02.2021: Cracking Open the Contact Zone: Imperialism and Indigenous... - Online
CALL. 15.03.2021:[PANEL 1] War, Peace, and Resilience in the Ancient World (EASR 2021) - Pisa(Italy)
Xerxes against Hellas. An Iconic Conflict from Different... -28/02-01-02/03/2022, Budapest (Hungary)
CALL.15.05.2021: Xerxes against Hellas. An Iconic Conflict from Different... (Budapest, Hungary)
A Traveller in an Antique Land: Travel and Traveling in the Ancient World - 10/4/2021, Online (Zoom)
CALL. 01.02.2021: A Traveller in an Antique Land: Travel and Traveling in the Ancient World - Online
Maternidades excéntricas y familias al margen de la norma en el Mediterráneo...- 19/11/2020,(Online)
Thucydides in the ‘Age of Extremes’ and Beyond. Academia and Politics - 30/10/2020, (Online)
Perspectives on the Ramesside Military System - 27-28/11/2020, München (Germany)