Thucydides in the ‘Age of Extremes’ and Beyond. Academia and Politics - 30/10/2020, (Online)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 30/10/2020
Ivan Matijašić (Newcastle University) - Luca Iori (University of Parma): Opening remarks
Session 1: Twentieth-Century Readings
Timothy Rood (Oxford University): Thucydides’ Archaeology in the Early 20th Century
Francis Larran (ANHIMA, Paris): The Greatest Military Disaster in Western History? The Reception of the Sicilian Expedition in the 20th century
Session 2: Thucydides and Anglophone Scholarship
Benjamin Earley (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): The Pacifist Thucydides: Gilbert Murray, T.R. Glover, Charles Cochrane
Ivan Matijašić (Newcastle University): John Enoch Powell’s ‘The War and Its Aftermath in Their Influence upon Thucydidean Studies’ (1936)
Session 3: Thucydides and Fascist Italy
Dino Piovan (University of Verona): Reading Thucydides in Early 20th-Century Italy
Luca Iori (University of Parma): Classics against the Regime. Thucydides, Piero Gobetti and Fascist Italy
Session 4: Thucydides and International Relations
Hans Kopp (Ruhr-Universität Bochum): ‘Required Reading in the Schools of All Small Nations’: Thucydidean ‘Lessons’ for International Politics in the 1930s and 1940s
Elizabeth Sawyer (Oxford University): The Undercover Utopian. The Reception History of Sir Alfred Zimmern's Translation of the Funeral Oration
Session 5: Comparative Approaches and Theoretical Models
Kunika Kakuta (King’s College London): The Empire of Rising Sun and the Empire of Owl: the Comparative Approach to Seapower as Cultural Identity in Imperial Japan and Classical Athens
Manuela Dal Borgo (Cambridge University): Thucydides and Game Theory