SEMINAR. Myth and Politics from Antiquity to the Present Time - 08-15-22-29/06, 06-13-20-27/07, 03-1
Identity and Identification, 300 C.E.-1200 C.E. - 22/05/2020, Cardiff (Wales)
CALL. 10.04.2020: Identity and Identification, 300 C.E.-1200 C.E. - Cardiff (Wales)
PERSIKA - A day of "Persian Things" - 27/11/2019, Cardiff (Wales)
CALL. 14.08.2019: [PANEL 2] "Storying Gendered Emotions in Classical Antiquity " (CA 2020)
CALL. 07.08.2019: [PANEL 1] "Regional Epigraphic Cultures across the Ancient Globe" (CA 20
Narratives of Power (2019 UWICAH Conference) -16/11/2019, Swansea (Wales)
CALL. 01.09.2019: Narratives of Power (2019 UWICAH Conference) - Swansea (Wales)
[CANCELLED] 2020 Classical Association Conference - 17-18-19-20/04/2020, Swansea (Wales)
CALL. 31.08.2019: 2020 Classical Association Conference - Swansea (Wales)