Women's Classical Committee UK AGM 2019: Foremothers - 10/05/2019, Cardiff (Wales)
Conversations with the Other. UWICAH Postgraduate Conference 2018 - 17/11/2018, Cardiff (Wales)
CALL. 07.10.2018: Conversations with the Other. UWICAH Postgraduate Conference 2018 - Cardiff (Wal
The third annual Classics in Wales Teachers' Conference -03/03/2018, Swansea (Wales)
Time and Chronology in Creation Narratives - 07-08-09/06/2018, Lampeter (Wales)
CALL. 01.02.2018: Time and Chronology in Creation Narratives - Lampeter (Wales)
Re-Thinking Globalisation in the Ancient World - 08-09-10/05/2018, Lampeter (Wales)
CALL: 15.01.2018: Re-Thinking Globalisation in the Ancient World - Lampeter (Wales)
TAG Conference 2017 -18-19-20/12/2017, Cardiff (Wales)
CALL.25.08.2017: Saving Time: Conservation as a Means for Preserving and Advancing Archaeological Co