6th annual Oslo Ancient Philosophy Conference: Plato and the Ancient Platonic Tradition - 09-10/11/2
Prof. Dr. Karl William Weyde´s farewell lecture - 22/05/2017, Oslo (Norway)
Translation in Antiquity, Translating Antiquity: methods and practices - 01-02/12/2016, Oslo (Norway
International Conference: Narratology and Intertextuality: New Perspectives on Greek Epic from Homer
Renaissance Prototypes: Tensions of Past and Present in Early Modern Europe - 28-29-30/09/2016 - Osl
CALL. 17/03/2016: Renaissance Prototypes: Tensions of Past and Present in Early Modern Europe - Oslo
1st Nordic Digital Humanities Conference - 15-16-17/03/2016, Oslo (Norway)
Leggere il territorio: metodologie, dati e modelli a confronto - 09/11/2015, Roma (Italy)
CALL. 15.12.2015: Workshop on the translation of Greek and Latin literature: Traveling Texts. Transl
Workshop on the translation of Greek and Latin literature: Traveling Texts. Translation and Transnat