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Translation in Antiquity, Translating Antiquity: methods and practices - 01-02/12/2016, Oslo (Norway

The workshop addresses the issue of ‘translation’ in relation to Greek and Roman texts from a double vantage point: in antiquity (between Greek and Latin and/or other languages) and in modern times (from Greek/Latin to a modern language). It thus aspires to take part in an ongoing scholarly debate, important contributions to which have been made recently by Siobhán McElduff and Enrica Sciarrino’s Complicating the History of Western Translation: The Ancient Mediterranean in Perspective (2011), Maurizio Bettini’s Vertere: un'antropologia della traduzione nella cultura antica (2012) and Siobhán McElduff’s Roman Theories of Translation (2013).

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 01-02/12/2016

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Prof. Anastasia Maravela ; Prof. Mathilde Skoie ; postdoc Tor Ivar Østmoe

INFO: web -



1 December

9.00-9.30: Coffee / Opening address (Maravela – Skoie – Østmoe)

9.30-10.30: KEYNOTE SPEAKER:Siobhán McElduff (Univ. of British Columbia) Performing translations: orality, materiality and ancient Roman translation

10.30-11.00: R. Simms (Oslo) Livius Andronicus: Possessing the Past

11.00-11.30: break

11.30-12.00: M. M. Asztalos (Oslo) Catullus 51 and Sappho fr. 31

12.00-12.30: A.A. Raschieri (Milano) Necessity and practice of translation at Rome in the first century AD

12.30-13.00: L. Spielberg (Nijmegen) Graeco versu admonuit: translation and quotation in Roman historiography

13.00-14.00: lunch

14.00-15.00: KEYNOTE SPEAKER:Oliver Taplin (Oxford) Yet another translation of Aeschylus' Oresteia into English? My personal priorities, and the comparison of a brief passage with ten other versions from the last 80 years.

15.00-15.30: N. Mindt (Wuppertal/Berlin) Screaming antiquity in translation – How to translate primary interjections in Greek tragedy?

15.30-16.00: J. Robson (Open University) Reselling, Reshaping and Repackaging Aristophanes: Translations and Adaptations of Lysistrata on the Modern Stage

16.00-16.15: break

16.15-16.45: J. Akujärvi (Lund) Greek drama and translating philologists: the case of Sophocles in 19thcentury Sweden

16.45-17.15: A. Cullhed (Linköping) Moving Medea: Spatiality, Classicism, and the Transnational Stage of the Late Eighteenth Century

17.15-17.45: A. Kliszcz (Kraków) & J. Komorowska (Warsaw) Polish Sophocles: Kazimierz Morawski and the translation of the tragedies

17.45-18.15: C. Piantanida (Oxford) Translating Eros: the Representation of Sexuality in Contemporary Italian Translations of Sappho

Dinner: 20.00

2 December

9.00-10.00: KEYNOTE SPEAKER: RachelMairs (Reading) Translations between Greek, Aramaic and Prakrit in Kandahar in the third century BCE

10.00-10.30: L.I. Lied (Oslo) In transit: Scholarly imaginations of Greek as language of transmission, and the translation of Old Testament Pseudepigrapha from Greek to Syriac

10.30-11.00: J. Eckstein (München): What Did the Translator Do? A Qualitative-Quantitative Approach to Assessing Translation Methods

11.00-11.15: break

11.15-11.45: P. Cecconi(Würzburg) From Greek to Latin and other languages: translations in and out the Roman Empire

11.45-12.15: C. Bull (Princeton/Oslo) The Coptic translation of Epiphanius of Salamis’ Ancoratus

12.15-12.45: A. Maravela (Oslo) Translating Wisdom: The Coptic versions of Menandri Sententiae

12.45-13.15: K. Ã…kerman Sarkisian (Uppsala) More than Metaphrase. Rethinking the Medieval Translation of Slavic Hagiography

13.15-14.15: lunch

14.15-14.45: E. Ramsey (London) Methods of translation in Apuleius' philosophical works

14.45-15.15: L. Willms (Heidelberg) Translating the Heathens: Astronomy and Paganism in Avienus’ version of Aratus’ Phainomena

15.15-15.45: E. van Dalen (Manchester) Translating ancient Greek metadiscourse into Classical Arabic: Ḥunayn Ibn Isḥaq’s 9th-century rendition of Galen’s rhetorical stategies in his commentary on the Hippocratic aphorisms

15.45-16.15: J. Eskhult (Uppsala) The humanist theory of translation: the humanist interpretation of ancient Latin theorising on translation and the impact of classical rhetoric on humanist translation terminology

16.15-16.30: break

16.30-17.00: C. Roby (New York) Translating technologies: Hero’s Pneumatica

17.00-17.30: M. Fitton-Hayward (Nottingham) Translating the narrator: seeing, feeling, hearing Virgil’s voice in modern translations

17.30-18.00: M. Kersten (Rostock) Translating Arcadia. Harry Kessler’s Edition of Virgil’s Eclogues

18.00-18.30: S. Bär (Oslo) Translator, Poet, Botcher? Raoul Schrott’s German Iliad and its Popular and Scholarly Reception

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