Adolf von Harnack. Bridging the gaps - 17-18-19/05/2021, Tartu (Estonia)
CALL. 30.11.2020: Adolf von Harnack. Bridging the gaps - Tartu (Estonia)
Epic, Society and Religion in the Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean cultures - 05-06-07/06/2020
CALL. 31.01.2020: Epic, Society and Religion in the Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean cultures
Melammu Workshop Tartu 2019 "Responses to the 12th Century BC Collapse: Recovery and Restructur
CALL. 15.12.2018: [SESSION 11] Contact(s) between religious systems: a "work-in-progress-topic
EASR 2019. Religion, Continuations and disruptions - 25-26-27-28-29/06/2019, Tartu (Estonia)
CALL. 15.12.2018: [SESSION 10] Ancient Near Eastern Text as a source for tracking change (EASR 2019)
CALL. 10.01.2019: [SESSION 9] Classical mythologies in Christian, Jewish and Islamic sources (EASR 2
CALL. 15.12.2018: [SESSION 8] Continuities, Disruptions, and Multiple Religious Identities in Late A