Xerxes against Hellas. An Iconic Conflict from Different... -28/02-01-02/03/2022, Budapest (Hungary)
CALL.15.05.2021: Xerxes against Hellas. An Iconic Conflict from Different... (Budapest, Hungary)
Pecunia Omnes Vincit. 7th edition of the International Numismatic and Economic Conference - 04-05/06
CALL. 29.02.2020: Pecunia Omnes Vincit. 7th edition of the International Numismatic and Economic Con
CALL. 13.02.2020: [PANEL 176] "Small and Complex. New Anthropological and Archeological Perspec
CALL. 13.02.2020: [PANEL 386] The Cross-cultural crossbar/ Music and the High Cs (EAA2020) - Budapes
CALL. 13.02.2020: [PANEL 228] Cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of archaeological woodcraft
CALL. 13.02.2020: [PANEL 124] Archaeology of Soundscapes and Soundscapes for Archaeology (EAA2020) -
CALL. 13.02.2020: [PANEL 146] Materializing Sound in Antiquity: Materials as a bodily and symbolic c
CALL. 13.02.2020: [PANEL 406] Urban networks and religious practices. Inside the Nodes: Changes and