Epigraphy for the Study of the Latin Language - 21-22-23-24-25-/06/2021, (Online)
AMPAL 2020-2021: Fear in Ancient Culture - 17-18-19/06/2021, Online (Teams)
CALL. 25.04.2021: AMPAL 2020-2021: Fear in Ancient Culture - Online (Teams)
Italia settentrionale e regioni dell´arco alpino tra V e VI sicolo - 15-16-17/04/2021, (Online)
Self-Representation in Late Antiquity and Byzantium - 26-27-28/02/2021, (Online)
Northern Lights Workshop 2020+1 - 14/05/2021, Online (Zoom)
CALL. 12.03.2021: Northern Lights Workshop 2020+1 - Online (Zoom)
The Passions in the Platonic Tradition, Patristics and Late Antiquity - 18-19/04/2021, Online
CALL. 15.03.2021: The Passions in the Platonic Tradition, Patristics and Late Antiquity - Online
NYU SAS Undergraduate Conference on the Ancient World - 12/02/2021, (Online)