Séminaire Synoikismos "Représenter le monde : techniques... - 04/05/2021, Louvain (Belgium)
CALL.01.03.2021: Séminaire Synoikismos "Représenter le monde : techniques... - Louvain (Belgium)
Saint Augustine’s De civitate Dei - 27-28-29/01/2022, Leuven-Brussels (Belgium)
CALL. 31.03.2021: Saint Augustine’s De civitate Dei - Leuven-Brussels (Belgium)
Enchanted reception: Religion and the supernatural in medieval... - 03-04/06/2021, Ghent (Belgium)
CALL.01.02.2021: Enchanted reception: Religion and the supernatural in medieval... - Ghent (Belgium)
Journée Annuelle Non-thématique du Séminaire Universitaire "Synoikismos" - 24/11/2020, Bru
18th IANLS Conference: Half a Century of Neo-Latin Studies - 01-02-03-04-05-06/08/2021, Leuven (Belg
CALL. 15.05.2020: 18th IANLS Conference: Half a Century of Neo-Latin Studies - Leuven (Belgium)
The Pseudo-Clementine Homilies: a philosophical and rhetorical novel from Late Antiquity - 10-11-12/