Referentes grecolatinos en las literaturas y culturas... - 21-22/10/2021, Valencia (Spain)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS El Grup d’Investigació en la Recepció de les Literatures Clàssiques (GIRLC) convoca un encuentro científico...
Epigraphy for the Study of the Latin Language - 21-22-23-24-25-/06/2021, (Online)
This International Summer School aims to develop an awareness of the potential of the epigraphical evidence for philological and...
Alma Mater Abroad:Opportunities for Classics and Ancient History Students- 15/04/2021, Online (Zoom)
The initiative aims to raise awareness in students in the final undergraduate and postgraduate years in Classics and Ancient History...
The theatre of emotions: jealousy - 15/12/2021, Online
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The Department of Classics at the University of Reading is delighted to host the 15th Annual Meeting of...
AMPAL 2020-2021: Fear in Ancient Culture - 17-18-19/06/2021, Online (Teams)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The Department of Classics at the University of Reading is delighted to host the 15th Annual Meeting of...
Italia settentrionale e regioni dell´arco alpino tra V e VI sicolo - 15-16-17/04/2021, (Online)
I secoli V e VI costituiscono un'epoca di trasformazioni profonde e radicali, con l'avvio di processi realizzatisi nel lungo periodo che...
Res Difficiles 2.0. Difficult Conversations in Classics (ResDiff2) - 20/03/2021, (Online)
ResDiff2 will examine the challenges presented by teaching a Classics curriculum to students who are increasingly more diverse in gender...
Europe and the Ancient Near East. Reception and Construction of Images of...03-04/03/2021,(Online)
Dinámicas sociales y roles entre mujeres: percepciones en grupos de...- 11-12/03/2021, (Online)
La Universidad de Alcalá (UAH), la sección de Orientalística del Área de Historia Antigua y el grupo de investigación CIARQ (Ciencias en...
Revisiting the Warrior Princess and her legacy: Xena 20 years on - 18-19/06/2021, Online
go to CALL FOR PAPERS This virtual conference aims to bring together scholars from across a range of disciplines to mark the 20th...