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Europe and the Ancient Near East. Reception and Construction of Images of...03-04/03/2021,(Online)

FECHA /DATE/DATA : 03-04/03/2021


ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Kerstin Droß-Krüpe (Uni. Kassel), Agnès Garcia-Ventura

(Uni. Autònoma of Barcelona), Lorenzo Verderame (Uni. Sapienza, Roma), Kai Ruffing (uni. Kassel).



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9.00 Kerstin Droß-Krüpe (Kassel): Welcome & Intro

I) Travellers & Archaeological Campaigns

Chair: Ulrich Niggemann (Augsburg)

9:10 Christian Feser (Duisburg-Essen): Thomas Coryate und sein Orientbild

9:30 Josef Wiesehöfer (Kiel): Carsten Niebuhr, Silvestre de Sacy and Sassanian Testimonia

9:50 Discussion

10:20 Coffee break

Chair: Arnaldo Marcone (Roma)

10:50 Eve MacDonald (Cardiff): Sir Robert Ker Porter and the Sasanians

11:10 Hannes Galter (Graz): Joseph von Hammer-Purgstalls Fundgruben des Orients und die Entzifferung der Keilschrift

11:30 Silke Förschler (Kassel): Naturgeschichte und die Evidenz des Orients in der Description de l'Egypte

11:50 Discussion

12:30 Lunch

Chair: Anne-Charlott Trepp (Kassel)

13:30 Kordula Schnegg (Innsbruck): Antike, Emanzipation und Orientalismus in den Orientalischen Briefen von Ida Hahn-Hahn

13:50 Georg Neumann (Berlin): Die deutschen Ausgrabungen in Babylon

14:10 Discussion

14:40 Coffee break

II) Opera

Chair: Agnès Garcia-Ventura (Barcelona)

15:00 Pedro Azara (Barcelona): Singing in the Ruins: Operas and the Image of Mesopotamia in the 18th Cent.

15:20 Davide Nadali (Roma): From the Bible to Nabucco: The Question of the Sources

15:40 Valeska Hartman (Marburg): Narrativer Raum: Das Phänomen „Alter Orient“ im Bühnenbild des 19. Jh.s

16:00 Discussion


III) Academia / School / Fiction

Chair: Kai Ruffing (Kassel)

9:00 Sebastian Fink (Innsbruck): Oswald Spengler’s Ancient Near East

9:20 Arnaldo Marcone (Roma): Arnaldo Momigliano e la sua immagine dell’Oriente

9:40 Discussion

10:10 Coffee break

Chair: Kerstin Droß-Krüpe (Kassel)

10:40 Hans Neumann (Münster): Der (Alte) Orient in den deutschsprachigen Weltgeschichten des 19. Jh.s

11:00 Björn Onken (Duisburg-Essen): Barbaren oder Vorbilder? Orientbilder in wilhelminischen Schulbüchern

11:20 Friedhelm Pedde (Berlin): The German Novelist Karl May as a Multiplier of Knowledge about the Ancient Near East

11:40 Discussion

12:20 Lunch

IV) Architecture / Arts & Crafts / Everyday Culture

Chair: Lorenzo Verderame (Roma)

13:30 Maria Gabriella Micale (Berlin): „Ich habe genug von dieser edlen Stadt in Trümmern“. Walter Andrae's Perennial Past: Sources and Implications in 19th Cent. Art Historical Scholarship

13:50 Brigitte Pedde (Berlin): Reconstruction drawings of Ancient Near Eastern Buildings as Inspiration for Architecture in the First Third of the 20th Cent.

14:10 Discussion

14:40 Coffee break

Chair: TBA

15:10 Frances Pinnock (Roma): Fashion and the Ancient Orient

15:30 Christoph Heyl (Duisburg-Essen): Der dunkle Fremde. Zur Kulturgeschichte des Kaffees im England des 17. und 18. Jh.s

15:50 Michael Yonan (St. Davis, California): Ancient Near Eastern Themes in German Porcelain of the 18th Cent.

16:10 Discussion

16:50 Agnès Garcia-Ventura (Barcelona) & Lorenzo Verderame (Roma): Closing Remarks

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