Italia settentrionale e regioni dell´arco alpino tra V e VI sicolo - 15-16-17/04/2021, (Online)
CALL.11.02.2021: [SESSION 11] Of The Water: Fish and Molluscs ... (EAA2021) - Kiel (Germany)
CALL.11.02.2021: [SESSION 7] Producing power: Exploring... (EAA2021) - Kiel (Germany)
CALL.11.02.2021: [SESSION 5] Small-Island Resilience and Vulnerability (EAA2021) - Kiel (Germany)
The challenges of living closely together - 12-13/11/2021, Ingelheim (Germany)
CALL. 01.03.2021: The challenges of living closely together - Ingelheim (Germany)
I Congreso Iberoamericano de Jóvenes Investigadores en Egiptología (CIJIE)- 06-07-08/02/2021, Online
CALL.15.02.2021: I Congreso Iberoamericano de Jóvenes Investigadores en Egiptología (CIJIE) - Online
Modern Economics and the Ancient World: Were the Ancients Rational Actors?-29-30-31/07/2021,(Online)
CALL.15.03.2021: Modern Economics and the Ancient World: Were the Ancients Rational Actors? - Online