Proto-Indo-European Reconstruction: Problems, possibilities... -01-02/10/2021, Online
CALL. 31.03.2021: Proto-Indo-European Reconstruction: Problems, possibilities... - Online
Taller internacional online Lenguas modernas y antigua - 21/12/2020, Online (Online)
Greek & Latin Bible Epics Conference - 25-26-27/09/2021, Nicosia (Cyprus)
CALL. 31.01.2021: Greek & Latin Bible Epics Conference - Nicosia (Cyprus)
Reflections on language in early Greece - 01-02-03/09/2021, Online (Zoom)
CALL. 25.01.2021: Reflections on language in early Greece - Online (Zoom)
UWICAH 2020: Themes of Isolation in, and in the study of the Ancient World - 20-21/11/2020, (Online)
CALL. 05.10.2020: UWICAH 2020: Themes of Isolation in, and in the study of the Ancient World - Micro
In the Shadow of Hippocrates. International Online Congress on Ancient Medicine - 10-11/06/2020, onl