Proto-Indo-European Reconstruction: Problems, possibilities and new perspectives - 01-02/10/2020, Ca
CALL. 31.03.2021: Proto-Indo-European Reconstruction - Online
Torre de Babel: alteridade e estereótipos -24-25/09/2020, Aveiro (Portugal)
CALL. 15/06/2020: Torre de Babel: alteridade e estereótipos -Aveiro (Portugal)
Sapiens Ubique Civis VIII (2020) -02-03-04/09/2020, Szeged (Hungary)
CALL. 12.06.2020: Sapiens Ubique Civis VIII (2020) - Szeged (Hungary)
CALL. 29.01.2020: [PANEL 1] Ugarit and its world (SBL 2020) - Adelaide (Australia)
10th Congress of the Société d'Etudes Samaritaines - 19-20-21-22-23-24/07/2020, Budapest (Hunga
CALL. 01.02.2020: 10th Congress of the Société d'Etudes Samaritaines - Budapest (Hungary)
Transgresser pour mieux régner. Ombres et lumières du pouvoir dans...- 27-28/11/2020, (Online)