Res Difficiles 2.0. Difficult Conversations in Classics (ResDiff2) - 20/03/2021, (Online)
ResDiff2 will examine the challenges presented by teaching a Classics curriculum to students who are increasingly more diverse in gender identity, race, ethnicity, income, family structure, and more. And while the society of our conference will examine pedagogical issues, we shall dilate upon broader issues in education and society from current and future roles of Classics and the humanities in K-12 and higher education to the ultimate goals of education.
FECHA /DATE/DATA : 20/03/2021
INFO: web -
All times Eastern Standard Time.
9-9.30 Settling in
9.30-10 Samuel Agbamu, Ashley Chhibber, Hardeep Dhindsa, Bethany Hucks and Mathura Umachandran, Sportula Europe, “Sportula Europe: Mutual Aid and Solidarity in Higher Education”
10-10.30 Nicolette D’Angelo and Gabrielle Stewart, “Cultivating a ‘sociological imagination’ in Classics: reconceptualizing difficulty using critical pedagogical approaches“
10.30-10.45 Q&A
10.45-11.15 Curtis Dozier, “Teaching White Supremacy and Classics Using the Pharos Archive”
11.15-11.45 Nadhira Hill, “The Call is Coming from Inside the House: Addressing the Impacts of Inadequate Teacher Training in Classics”
11.45-12.30 Q&A
12.30-1 Bethany Hucks, “The ‘Mainstream’ and Global Minoritization: Dismantling Assumptions of Common Cultural Backgrounds in Western Classics”
1-1.30 Daniel Libatique, “The Commonplace Book: Student-Centered Explorations of Ancient-Modern Connections”
1.30-2 Q&A
2-2.30 Elizabeth Manwell, “Designing for Equity: Why I am (maybe) Never Teaching Cicero Again”
2.30-3 Vanessa Stovall, “Teaching Persephone (Un)colored: Racial Cosmetics, Desirability Politics, and Classicizing Colorism(s) in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye and Stephenie Meyer’s Midnight Sun”
3-3.15 Q&A
3.15-4 Keynote: Patrice Rankine, “Power/Memory: Reception, Classicism, and Some Considerations on the Current State of Play”
The event will be live-streamed via Zoom, and participants/viewers may live-tweet the event on the hashtag #resdiff2.