BANEA 2016: Land, Sea and Sky in the Near East - 06-07-08/01/2016, Swansea (Wales)
Research Seminars at Swansea University - 03-17/11, 01/12/2015, Swansea (Wales)
Ancient History Seminars Cardiff University - 12-26/10, 09-23/11, 07/12/2015, 01-29/02, 07-14/03, 11
Lampeter Classics Research Seminars - 01-08-22/10, 12-26/11, 10/12/2015, 26/01, 11-18-25/02, 17/03,
The third annual UWICAH postgraduate Classics & Ancient History conference - 21/11/2015, Cardiff
CALL. 09.10.2015 - The third annual UWICAH postgraduate Classics & Ancient History conference, C
Bodily Fluids/Fluid Bodies in Greek and Roman Antiquity - 11-12-13/07/2016, Cardiff (Wales)
CALL. 15.10.2015: Bodily Fluids/Fluid Bodies in Greek and Roman Antiquity - Cardiff (Wales)
Prostheses in Antiquity - 30/06/2015, Cardiff (Wales)