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Perspectives on the Ramesside Military System - 27-28/11/2020, München (Germany)

This international conference aims to shed light on these new archaeological and historical perspectives concerning the entire military outlook of Egypt at this time. The conference will also make a broad assessment of the current state of knowledge about the Ramesside military system and discuss how the new knowledge relates to previously held theories, and provide a forum for discussion.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 27-28/11/2020

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Dr. Friedhelm Hoffmann ;Dr. Mohamed Raafat Abbas




9:00 Welcome (including address by John Baines)

09:15 James K. Hoffmeier: Tell el-Borg and the Ways of Horus in the Ramesside Era.

10:00 Mohamed Abd el-Maksoud: The Ramesside Fortress at Tell Heboua II: Khetem of Tharou.

10:45 coffee break

11:15 Ola El-Aguizy: The Fortress of Tjaru in General Ierkhy’s Tomb.

12:00 Aaron A. Burke: Ramesside Iapu: Excavations of the New Kingdom Fortress in Jaffa, 1956–2014.

12:45 lunch break

14:15 Steven Snape: Zawiyet Umm el-Rakham and the Ramesside Defence System on the Maryut Coast.

15:00 Slawomir Rzepka and Jozef Hudec: Ramesside fortresses in Tell el-Retaba.

15:45 coffee break

16:15 Peter J. Brand: Ideological Aspects of Ramesside Military Texts and Reliefs: Sety I and Ramesses II.

17:00 Anthony J. Spalinger: Leadership under Fire: Ramesses II and the Pressures of Warfare.

18:00 visit of the galleries of the Egyptian Museum (for the speakers only)

19:00 speakers’ reception

09:00 Mohamed Raafat Abbas: The Libyan War of Ramesses II.

09:45 Jana Mynářová: The Ramessides, between Military Adventures and Diplomacy.

10:30 coffee break

11:00 Heidi Köpp-Junk: The Egyptian Chariot in the Ramesside Period.

11:45 André J. Veldmeijer: The Tano Chariot: An early(?) Ramesside Chariot?

12:30 lunch break

14:00 Renaud Pietri: Military Logistics during the Ramesside Period.

14:45 Sylvia Schoske: Swing low, sweet Chariot. A New Stela in Munich.

15:30 coffee break

16:00 Uroš Matić: Organs without bodies: Hand and phalli cutting as part of Ramesside military accounting system.

16:45 Alberto M. Pollastrini: The Body Armour of Ramesses II.

17:30 coffee break

18:00 final discussion

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