Workshop "Idealization and Aesthetic Criteria in Early Greek Epic" - 02/10/2020, 09/10/202
CALL. 30.07.2020: Workshop "Idealization and Aesthetic Criteria in Early Greek Epic" - Onl
Digital Event: Network Analysis for Humanities - 26/06/2020, 30/06/2020 (Online)
Melkite Christianity and the Archaeology of Byzantine Monasteries and Churches in the Levant -12-13-
XVI Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae - 29-30-31/08, 01-02/09/2022, Bordeaux
CALL. 30.03.2021: XVI Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae - Bordeaux (France)
Cultural Exchanges in Ancient Egypt - 10-11/06/2020, (Online)
SEMINAR. Myth and Politics from Antiquity to the Present Time - 08-15-22-29/06, 06-13-20-27/07, 03-1
CALL. 03.06.2020: SEMINAR.Myth and Politics from Antiquity to the Present Time - (Online)
Prolepsis: Predicting, Anticipating, Foretelling from Antiquity to the Renaissance - 17-18/12/2020,