CALL. 30.11.2018: Annual Egyptological Colloquium 2019. Amarna: The lived city - London (England)
Vasa Picta Iberica. Talleres de cerámica del Sureste hispano (ss. II aC – I dC) - 30/11-01/12/2018,
The Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference - 11-12-13/04/2019, Lexington (KY, USA)
CALL. 12.11.2018: The Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference - Lexington (KY, USA)
Identités, Ethnicités et Genre dans l'Antiquité - 29-30/11-01/12/2018, Lille (France)
The People of Roman Britain at Home and Abroad- 17/11/2018, London (England)
Comparing Greek Colonies: mobility and settlement consolidation from Southern Italy to the Black Sea
PHICARIA. VIII Encuentros Internacionales del Mediterráneo: La ciudad vivida a orillas del Mediterrá
CALL. 31.12.2018: PHICARIA. VIII Encuentros Internacionales del Mediterráneo: La ciudad vivida a ori
The Minerva Center for the Relations between Israel and Aram in Biblical Times Research Colloquium