CALL. 30.06.2019: Digital Humanities and Data Visualization - Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Onorare gli dèi, rappresentare il potere regale, ammirare il monumento - 30-31/05/2019, Roma (Italy)
Incontrarse al limite. Ibridazioni mediterranee nell´Italia preromana - 06-07-08/06/2019, Ferrara
Nuevas perspectivas sobre la Antigüedad tardía VI: Congreso Internacional Carisma y liderazgo en las
CALL. 01.08.2019: Nuevas perspectivas sobre la Antigüedad tardía VI: Congreso Internacional Carisma
Historical inertia: Continuity in the face of change 500-1500 CE - 22-23/11/2019, Edinburgh (Scotlan
CALL. 03.06.2019: Historical inertia: Continuity in the face of change 500-1500 CE - Edinburgh (Scot
32eme Colloque de l'Association Française pour la Peinture Murale Antique - 22-23/11/2019, Nimes
CALL. 01.06.2019: 32eme Colloque de l'Association Française pour la Peinture Murale Antique - Ni
International Conference "Magic and Medicine in the Ancient World. Interactions, Convergences a