CALL. 30.06.2019: Digital Humanities and Data Visualization - Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
go to CONGRESS DigiHUBB (Transylvania Digital Humanities Centre, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca) invites submission of proposals...
Onorare gli dèi, rappresentare il potere regale, ammirare il monumento - 30-31/05/2019, Roma (Italy)
Onorare gli dèi, rappresentare il potere regale, ammirare il monumento. Canoni, contesti, funzioni e fruizioni della statuaria divina e...
Incontrarse al limite. Ibridazioni mediterranee nell´Italia preromana - 06-07-08/06/2019, Ferrara
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 06-07-08/06/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Palazzo Bevilacqua-Costabili, Ferrara (Ferrara, Italy)...
Nuevas perspectivas sobre la Antigüedad tardía VI: Congreso Internacional Carisma y liderazgo en las
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Este congreso internacional, dentro de la serie "Nuevas perspectivas sobre la antigüedad tardía", se celebra con el...
CALL. 01.08.2019: Nuevas perspectivas sobre la Antigüedad tardía VI: Congreso Internacional Carisma
go to CONGRESS Este congreso internacional, dentro de la serie "Nuevas perspectivas sobre la antigüedad tardía", se celebra con el tema...
Historical inertia: Continuity in the face of change 500-1500 CE - 22-23/11/2019, Edinburgh (Scotlan
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Historical discourse has long concerned itself with patterns of change and discontinuity to demonstrate and...
CALL. 03.06.2019: Historical inertia: Continuity in the face of change 500-1500 CE - Edinburgh (Scot
go to CONGRESS Historical discourse has long concerned itself with patterns of change and discontinuity to demonstrate and validate...
32eme Colloque de l'Association Française pour la Peinture Murale Antique - 22-23/11/2019, Nimes
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA/DATE/DATA: 22-23/11/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Musée de la Romanité (Nîmes, France)...
CALL. 01.06.2019: 32eme Colloque de l'Association Française pour la Peinture Murale Antique - Ni
International Conference "Magic and Medicine in the Ancient World. Interactions, Convergences a
go to CALL FOR PAPERS If medicine is a discipline that seeks to restore an individual’s health through empirical observation and the...