CALL. 16.03.2020: Workshop "Antiquity and the Anthropocene" - Dublin (Ireland)
CALL. 28.02.2020: [PANEL 4] Ancient MakerSpaces (SCS2021) - Chicago (IL, USA)
CALL. 20.02.2020: [PANEL 12] Perceptions and Receptions of Persia (PERSIAS) (EABS) - Wuppertal (Germ
CALL. 20.02.2020: [PANEL 11] Cultural Hegemony and the Power of Sacred Texts (EABS) - Wuppertal (Ger
CALL. 20.02.2020: [PANEL 10] Literary Features - Fact or Fiction (EABS) - Wuppertal (Germany)
24th Anniversary Symposium "Examining Epochs of Enduring Import: Perspectives on the Near and M
Between the Words: Magic, Miracles and Mysticism (BEW 2020) - 29-30-31/10/2020, Sofia (Bulgaria)
Languages & Cultures in Contact in the Ancient Mediterranean - 27-28/02/2020, Verona (Italy)
Circulations animales et zoogéographie en Méditerranée occidentale, Xe – Ier s. av. J.-C. - 20-21-22
7th Annual Lancaster Archaeology Forum - 07/03/2020, Lancaster (England)