Manufacturing the past - 08-09-10/10/2020, St. Petersburg (Russia)
CALL. 10.06.2020: Manufacturing the past - St. Petersburg (Russia)
Time in Greek and Roman Antiquity - 05/06/2020, Nice (France)
CALL. 31.01.2020: Time in Greek and Roman Antiquity - Nice (France)
De/Constructing the Body: Ancient and Modern Dynamics: Fragmentation and Fusion - 17/01/2020, Liverp
XIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias de las Religiones: Sacra Imago: religiones, símbol
CALL. 15.02.2020: XIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias de las Religiones: Sacra Imago:
Atena e Minerva. Tra Iconografia e Letteratura - 23/24/25/10/2020, Velletri (Italy)
CALL. 01.04.2020: Atena e Minerva. Tra Iconografia e Letteratura - Veletri (Italy)
The Rediscovery and Reception of Gandharan Art - 24-25-26/03/2021, (Online)