Studying Graeco-Roman Egypt: New Approaches in a New Generation II - 28/09/2018, Basel (Switzerland)
The Frightful and the Familiar: Exploring the Uncanny in the Ancient World - 02/08/2018, Liverpool (
CALL 03.07.2018: The Frightful and the Familiar: Exploring the Uncanny in the Ancient World - Liverp
Logistics in Greek Sanctuaries. Exploring the Human Experience of Visiting the Gods - 13-14-15-16/09
XVII Coloquio Internacional ARYS "Vestir Divininamente: deidades y cultores arropados o desnudo
CALL. 15.09.2018: XVII Coloquio Internacional ARYS "Vestir Divininamente: deidades y cultores a
SSEA Scholars' Colloquium 2018 - 02-03-04/11/2018, Toronto (Canada)
CALL. 30.09.2018: [POSTERS] SSEA Scholars' Colloquium 2018 - Toronto (Canada)
CALL. 31.08.2018: SSEA Scholars' Colloquium 2018 - Toronto (Canada)
Introducing Manuscripts from Ethiopia and Eritrea - 01/09/2018, Oxford (England)