CALL. 24.04.2015: University of Wisconsin-Madison Classics Graduate Colloquium - Madison, WI (USA)
Ciclo de Conferencias 2015 de la Asociación de Amigos de la Arqueología - 14-21-28/04-05-12-19-26/05
Ancient Arcadia. History and Culture of a Mountainous Region - 11-12/02/2016, Graz (Austria)
CALL. 29.05.2015: Ancient Arcadia. History and Culture of a Mountainous Region - Graz (Austria)
147th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America and the Society for Classical Studie
CALL. 02.08.2015: 147th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America and the Society fo
Classical Association Conference 2016 - 06-07-08-09/04/2016, Edinburgh (Scotland)
Congresso Internacional de História da Antiguidade Clássica: Diálogos Interdisciplinares - 20-21-22/
XXI World Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions. Dynamics of Religi
III Jornadas Predoctorales en Historia Antigua, Arqueología y Filología Clásica. “La Antigüedad cont