CALL. 01.12.2019: Anomalocivitas - Aarhus (Denmark)
14th London Ancient Science Conference 2020 - 17-18-19-20-21/02/2020, London (England)
CALL. 10.11.2019: 14th London Ancient Science Conference 2020 - London (England)
[POSTPONED] HCARN 4. Entangled Pasts and Presents: Temporal Interactions and Knowledge Production in
CALL. 15.11.2019: HCARN 4. Entangled Pasts and Presents: Temporal Interactions and Knowledge Product
CALL. 15.11.2019 [SESSION 1]: Hybrid Economic Practices in the Roman World (Roman Archaeology Confer
Materiality as Decor: aesthetics, semantics and function - 03-04-05-06/06/2020, Kiel (Germany)
CALL. 01.10.2019: Materiality as Decor: aesthetics, semantics and function - Kiel (Germany)
2nd International Conference of Roma Sinica Studies "Empire and Politics: in the East and West
Israel Society for the promotion of Classical Studies 49th annual conference - 01-02-03/06/2021, Bee