UK Ancient Historians' Annual Meeting - 09-10/05/2020, Herts (England)
18th IANLS Conference: Half a Century of Neo-Latin Studies - 01-02-03-04-05-06/08/2021, Leuven (Belg
Dénoncer ou dissimuler? L'erreur médicale dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen Âge. Grèce, Rome, Égy
[POSTPONED] Connected Past 2021: Artefactual Intelligence - 29-30/09/2021, Aarhus (Denmark)
La Europa de las materias primas en el 1er milenio a.n.e. (45º Coloquio Internacional de la AFEAF) -
International Conference on Heritage Site Management and Planning Applications 16-17/09/2020, Lisbon
From Herodotus to Spengler. Comparing Civilisations throughout Time and Space 13-14/11/2020, Palo Al
The Real Estate Market in the Roman World 07-08-09/10/2020, London (England)
2020 CAAS Fall Virtual Annual Meeting - 08-09-10/10/2020 (Online)
Prefaces, Prologues, and Preliminaries (2020 ASLH Annual Meeting) - 11-12-13-14/11/2020, Chicago (IL