Tercer Coloquio Bizantino de la Universidad de Buenos Aires - 29-30/08/2019, Buenos Aires (Argentina
go to CALL FOR PAPERS En los últimos años se ha registrado una explosión de estudios narratológicos sobre la vasta producción bizantina....
Humanities in the Third Millennium. Approaches, Contaminations, and Perspectives - 17-18/10/2019, Ve
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The Doctoral School in Arts and Humanities of Verona University organises a multidisciplinary workshop aimed to...
Stone canvas. Towards a better integration of Rock Art and Graffiti studies in Egypt and Sudan - 10-
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Disciplines as broad as the archaeology of Egypt and Nubia, in order to progress, need to develop internal and...
Ludi Plautini Sarsinates VIII. Characters on Stage: The meretrix - 19/10/2019, Sarsina (Italy)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Dopo il ventennale ciclo delle Lecturae Plautinae Sarsinates, dedicato con cadenza annuale a ognuna delle commedie...
LXXIIIe Session de la Société Internationale Fernand de Visscher pour l’Histoire des Droits de l’Ant
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Comme confirmé lors de notre précédente rencontre à Cracovie, la 73e rencontre de la Société Internationale Fernand...
Biblical Poetry: the Legacy of the Psalms in Late Antiquity and Byzantium [POSTPONED] - 23-24/04/202
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The Psalms, in their Greek Septuagint translation, were a fundamental corpus of biblical poetry, and as such were...
Exchanging Ideas - Trade, Technology, and Connectivity in pre-Roman Italy - 03-04-05/02/2020, Auckla
go to CALL FOR PAPERS This conference will explore models for the transmission of objects, ideas, production techniques, artistic styles,...
Political Oratory & Rhetoric in The Classical & Hellenistic Periods - 25-26/04/2019, London
The Department of Greek and Latin is hosting an international colloquium on political oratory and rhetoric in the Classical and...
La montagna nell’antichità - 02-03-04/05/2019, Trento (Italy)
Il Convegno Internazionale AICC La montagna nell’antichità avrà luogo nei giorni 2-4 maggio 2019 , nell’ambito di Trento Film Festival,...
Clerics in Church and Society up to 700 - 26-27/04/2019, Warsaw (Poland)
FECHA /DATE/DATA: 26-27/04/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Warsaw (Warsaw, Poland) ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Robert...