CALL 01.10.2017: A corpus and usage-based approach to Ancient Greek: from the Archaic period until t
go to CONGRESS The aim of this conference is to gather researchers that exploit statistical and corpus obtained data for their analyses...
Mythology and Education: History and Practice Workshop - 27/10/2017, Cambridge (England)
Greco-Roman mythology is used widely and imaginatively in teaching and outreach activities, in both secondary and higher education....
Orality and Writing: the two faces of words -11-12/01/2018, Padova (Italy)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS « More than any other single invention, writing has transformed human consciousness». To those living in a society...
CALL.15.09.2017: Orality and Writing: the two faces of words - Padova (Italy)
go to CONGRESS « More than any other single invention, writing has transformed human consciousness». To those living in a society...
Colóquio Internacional O património digital em contexto ibérico: entre a prática e a crítica -09-10/
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Considerando que a tecnologia digital conquista crescentemente mais terreno, centralizando as ações quotidianas e...
CALL. 31.08.2017: Colóquio Internacional O património digital em contexto ibérico: entre a prática e
go to CONGRESS Considerando que a tecnologia digital conquista crescentemente mais terreno, centralizando as ações quotidianas e...
(Im)mobility: Dialectics of Movement, Power and Resistance -28/11/2017, London (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The London Arts and Humanities Partnership (LAHP) is pleased to announce the cross-disciplinary student-led...
CALL.30.07.2017: (Im)mobility: Dialectics of Movement, Power and Resistance - London (England)
go to CONGRESS The London Arts and Humanities Partnership (LAHP) is pleased to announce the cross-disciplinary student-led conference...
Greek studies in 15-16th century Europe: Future research perspectives - 19/06/2017, Oxford (England
“Greek Studies in 15th Century Europe” is a Marie Curie individual research project (2015-17) held by Paola Tomè and based at the...
Inclusiveness, Interdependence and Interconnectedness (2017 Association of History, Literature, Scie
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA/DATE/DATA: 16-17-19-20-21/11/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Busan University of Foreign Studies (BUFS) (Busan,...