Imagining the Apocalypse - 19/10/2019, London (England)
CALL. 14.01.2019: Imagining the Apocalypse - London (England)
Law vs Custom in Anchoring Innovation - 22/03/2019, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
CALL. 15.01.2019: Law vs Custom in Anchoring Innovation - Amsterdam (Netherlands)
La villa dopo la villa - 10/12/2018, Milano (Italy)
Timelessness (7th Annual Koç University ARHA Graduate Research Symposium) - 29/03/2019, Istanbul (Tu
CALL. 31.12.2018: Timelessness (7th Annual Koç University ARHA Graduate Research Symposium) - Istanb
Ancient Architectural Repairs and Restorations in the Greek World from the Classical to the Imperial
CALL. 27.12.2018: Ancient Architectural Repairs and Restorations in the Greek World from the Classic
IX Jornadas de Papirología - 08-09-10/07/2019, Montserrat (Spain)