CALL. 15.12.2017: Continuities and Transitions: Approaches to Studying Food and Drink in Egypt and S
Israel Society for the promotion of Classical Studies 47th annual conference - 06-07/06/2018, Jerusa
CALL. 21.12.2017: Israel Society for the promotion of Classical Studies 47th annual conference - Je
Classics, the Left & the Sublime - 18-19/07/2018, London (England)
CALL. 01.01.2018: Classics, the Left & the Sublime - London (England)
The Fragrant and the Foul: the Smells and Senses of Antiquity in the Modern Imagination - 18-19-20/1
CALL. 15.12.2017: The Fragrant and the Foul: the Smells and Senses of Antiquity in the Modern Imagin
12th London Ancient Science Conference - 12-13-14/02/2018, London (England)
CALL. 30.11.2017: 12th London Ancient Science Conference - London (England)
Fieldwork in Late Antique Archaeology: Burial - 25/11/2017, London (England)