Méthodes d’interprétation de l’image antique : regards croisés - 02/05/2017, Liège (Belgium)
What is a recipe? A virtual conversation -06-07/2017, online
CALL. 30.04.2017: What is a recipe? A virtual conversation - online
Représentations et réceptions de la figure de la sagesse dans l’Antiquité -15-16/06/2017, Lille (Fra
In search of the promised land: salvation myths - 21-22/09/2017, Aveiro (Portugal)
CALL. 31.05.2017: In search of the promised land: salvation myths - Aveiro (Portugal)
La peinture murale antique : méthodes et apports d'une approche technique - 21/04/2017, Louvain-
Nature's Past: Historical Perspective on a Contested Concept, UCL History Postgraduate Conferenc
CALL. 28.04.2017: Nature's Past: Historical Perspective on a Contested Concept, UCL History Post
Localism in the Hellenistic World - 26-27-28/04/2018, Waterloo (Canada)