I Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua de la Universidad de Sevilla: "La fami
CALL. 02.03.2020: I Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua de la Universidad de Sevi
Class, Class Consciousness and Class Identity in Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (c. 3000 BCE-10
Female agency: Women disrupting the Patriarchy - 06-07-08/05/2021, London (England)
CALL. 28.02.2020: Women disrupting the Patriarchy - London (England)
26th EAA Annual Meeting - 26-27-28-29-30/08/2020, Budapest (Hungary)
International Virtual Mirror Studies Conference (IVMSC) 2020 - 06/03/2020, Beijing (China)
Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting - 05-06-07-08-09/07/2020, Adelaide (Australia)
Muros et Moenia: City Walls, Urban Boundaries, and the Articulation of the City in the First Millenn
CALL. 31.01.2020: Muros et Moenia: City Walls, Urban Boundaries, and the Articulation of the City in