CALL. 28.02.2020: Women disrupting the Patriarchy - London (England)
Homer Day 2020 - 25/01/2020, London (England)
Collecting Africa: Before, During and After Colonial Overrule - 27/04/2020, Oxford (England)
CALL. 31.01.2020: Collecting Africa: Before, During and After Colonial Overrule - Oxford (England)
Armenian through the Ages: Linguistic and Philological Perspectives - 24-25/07/2020, Oxford (England
CALL. 13.03.2020: Armenian through the Ages: Linguistic and Philological Perspectives - Oxford (Engl
CALL. 19.01.2020: The Spatial Turn in Roman Studies: Durham - Durham (England)
Burial of the Unknown Warrior: Military burials from Ancient to Modern - 06-07/11/2020, Manchester (
CALL. 31.01.2020: Burial of the Unknown Warrior: Military burials from Ancient to Modern - Mancheste
Of Coins and Kings: Discourses of Power and Performance (Rio II) - 21/02/2020, Exeter (England)