Graduate Annual Research Discussions on Egypt and Nubia VI - 23/02/2019, Cairo (Egypt)
CALL. 18.03.2019: [PANEL 8] ASGLE Inscriptions and Dates (SCS 2020) - Washington (DC, USA)
Ciclo conferencias Juan de la Cierva -08-21-27/02/2019, Zaragoza (Spain)
Sign, Speech, and Society in the Ancient Near East: 100 Years of Ancient Near Eastern Studies in Pra
CALL. 01.03.2019: Sign, Speech, and Society in the Ancient Near East: 100 Years of Ancient Near East
Epigrammata 5. Dinamiche politiche e istituzionali nell'epigrafia delle Cicladi - 31/01-01/02/20
Classical Association of the Atlantic States meeting - 10-11-12/10/2019, Silver Spring (MD, USA)
CALL. 18.03.2019: Classical Association of the Atlantic States meeting - Silver Spring (MD, USA)
CALL. 18.03.2019: [PANELS] Classical Association of the Atlantic States meeting - Silver Spring (MD,
6th Annual Birmingham Egyptology Symposium: Belief and Identity in the Ancient World - 31/05/2019, B