XVI Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae - 29-30-31/08, 01-02/09/2022, Bordeaux
CALL. 30.03.2021: XVI Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae - Bordeaux (France)
13th Annual MOISA meeting: The Sounds of the Beyond: The Mysteries of Ancient Greek and Roman Music
Apotropaia and Phylakteria. Confronting Evil in Ancient Greece - 14-15/12/2020, Athens (Greece)
CALL. 31.03.2020: Apotropaia and Phylakteria. Confronting Evil in Ancient Greece - Athens (Greece)
AIA Colloquium on Archaeomusicology: Soundscape and Landscape at Panhellenic Greek Sanctuaries - 07-
CALL. 30.03.2020: AIA Colloquium on Archaeomusicology: Soundscape and Landscape at Panhellenic Greek
7th Birmingham Egyptology Symposium: "Biography in ancient Egypt" - 21/05/2021, Online (Zoom)
CALL. 02.04.2021: 7th Birmingham Egyptology Symposium: "Biography in ancient Egypt" - Online (Zoom)
CALL. 30.09.2020: [PANEL 11] "Layout and Materiality of Writing in Ancient Documents from the