Israel Society for the promotion of Classical Studies 49th annual conference - 01-02-03/06/2021, Bee
CALL. 19.12.2019: Israel Society for the promotion of Classical Studies 49th annual conference - Bee
“Performing Texts”. Network for the Study of Archaic and Classical Greek Song - 30/06-01-02-03-04/07
CALL. 30.09.2019: “Performing Texts”. Network for the Study of Archaic and Classical Greek Song - Sp
Frammenti e dintorni - Fragmente im Kontext - 07-08-09/11/2019, Merano (Italy)
Freud and Egypt: Between Oedipus and the Sphinx - 12/10/2019, London (England)
CALL. 15.09.2019: Classics and Civic Activism (AIA/SCS workshop) - Washington (DC, USA)
First International Workshop of interdisciplinary studies on ancient Egypt - 17/09/2019, Alcalá de
Life and Mind. Aristotelian themes in contemporary philosophy - 05-06/09/2019, Paris (France)
Attualità di don Gaetano Chierici archeologo, museologo e maestro di impegno civile (CHIERICI200) -1