CALL. 14.10.2019: Rape, Revenge and Transformation: Tereus Through the Ages - Roehampton (England)
[POSTPONED] V Hellenistic Warfare Conference - 14-15/05/2020, Barcelona (Spain)
CALL. 30.10.2019: V Hellenistic Warfare Conference - Barcelona (Spain)
L’amore, le armi, le stelle -14-15-16/05/2020, Rimini (Italy)
CALL. 04.11.2019: L’amore, le armi, le stelle - Rimini (Italy)
CALL. 25.11.2019: Intertestualità greco-romana in età argentea e tardo-imperiale- Bari (Italy)
Ciclo "Nuestras primeras lenguas: las lenguas y las escrituras paleohispánicas" - 12-19-26
Keeping to the Point: Law, Rhetoric and Character in Athenian Forensic Oratory - 12-13/09/2019, Edin
Advice and Instruction in Classical Antiquity - 12-13/09/2019, Manchester (England)
Mid-career scholars Women’s Classical Committee UK - 13/09/2019, Glasgow (Scotland)