CALL. 15.02.2018: Transmitting a Heritage. The Teaching of Ancient Languages from Antiquity to the 2
Columelle et les céréales: Problématiques et enjeux des cultures de plein champ dans la littérature
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Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Estudios adrianeos - 14-15-16/03/2018, Sevilla (
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In toto orbe ut semper canar. Ovidio: il poeta, l’arte, la tradizione - 14-15-16/12/2017, Chieti (It
Per un umanesimo condiviso. Lettere e scienze per il futuro del nostro paese - 29/11/2017, Benevento
The Language of Greek Religion -12/12/2017, London (England)
XX Jornadas del Departamento de Filología Clásica: Palabra de griego y de romano -30/11-01/12/2017,
Variation and contact in the Ancient Indo-European languages: between Linguistics and Philology - 19