Received Opinions: Doxography in Antiquity and the Islamic World - 06-07-08/03/2018, Munich (Germany
New Perspectives on Cicero's Philosophy- 10-11/02/2018, Durham (England)
Polemics, Rivalry, and Networking in Greco-Roman Antiquity -12-13-14/12/2018, Leuven (Beligium)
CALL.28.02.2018: Polemics, Rivalry, and Networking in Greco-Roman Antiquity - Leuven (Beligium)
Locating the Ancient World in Early Modern Subversive Thought -12-13-14/04/2018, Newcastle (England)
CALL.09.02.2018: Locating the Ancient World in Early Modern Subversive Thought - Newcastle (England)
New perspectives on Cicero's Philosophy -10-11/02/2018, Durham (England)
Metaphysics and Epistemology in Plato’s Academy -21-22/02/2018, Durham (England)
CALL. 01.03.2018: [PANEL 3] Truth to Power: Literary, Rhetorical, and Philosophical Responses to Aut
Roman Cultural Memory under the Empire - 07-08-09/03/2018, Sao Paulo (Brazil)