XV Coloquio de la AIER: "Mujer y poder en la Antigua Roma" - 25-26-27/10/2017, Madrid (Spa
Religion and Education in the Ancient Greek World -25-26/10/2017, Göttingen (Germany)
Coloquio Internacional: Marginación y mujer en el Alto Imperio Romano (siglos I-III) -04-05/10/2017,
Conference: Hellenistic Literature and Culture -14-15/10/2017, Charlottesville (VA, USA)
Cyprus, Female Voice and Memory Literature, Arts and History in the Work of Niki Marangou -23/09/201
Diálogos con el Mundo Clásico - 06-20-27/09, 18/10, 08-15-22-29/11, 13-20/12/2017 , Madrid (Spain)
Bullying and Harassment in the UK Classical Workplace: Finding Solutions - 11/09/2017, London (Engla
CALL. 10.08.2017: Bullying and Harassment in the UK Classical Workplace: Finding Solutions - London
Familias, edades y género. Perspectivas históricas y jurídicas - 09-10/11/2017, Oviedo (Spain)
Discovering and Interpreting Humor in the Ancient World - 20-21/04/2018, Columbus (OH, USA)