Herrschaft, Hegemonie oder Anarchie: Rom und Italien, ca. 180-30 v. Chr - 10-11-12/12/2015,Köln (Ger
El mundo de las ciudades en Península Ibérica y el norte de África en la Antigüedad tardía y la Alta
Digital Classicist Seminar Berlin - 13-27/10, 10-24/11, 08/12/2015, 05-19/01, 02-16/02/2016, Berlin
Destroy the Copy. International Conference on the Fate of Plaster Cast Collections - 08-09-10/10/201
Darmstädter Diskussionen - 23-24-25-26/09/2015, Darmstadt (Germany)
Teaching Through Images: Imagery in Greek and Roman Didactic Poetry - 01-02-03/07/2016, Heidelberg (
CALL. 05.09.2015: Teaching Through Images: Imagery in Greek and Roman Didactic Poetry - Heidelberg (
The Postclassical Greek: the Intersections of Philology and Linguistics - 15-16-17/02/2016, Mainz (G
CALL. 01.10.2015 - The Postclassical Greek: the Intersections of Philology and Linguistics, Mainz (G
International Conference: Authority and Identity in Emerging Christianities in Asia Minor and Greece