Imago Deorum. Culto e Rappresentazione delle Divinità nell’Antica Roma - 11-12/05/2018, Velletri (It
Cari amici, ho il piacere di invitarvi al convegno “Imago Deorum. Culto e Rappresentazione delle Divinità nell’Antica Roma” che si terrà...

I Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores en Historia Militar en la Antigüedad. "El miedo y los traum
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Las guerras, mediante las acciones violentas que conllevan, generan traumatismos físicos y shocks emocionales que...

CALL. 15.09.2018: I Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores en Historia Militar en la Antigüedad. "El

Making and Unmaking Memory in the Ancient World, from the 7th Century BCE to the 7th Century CE - 07
go to CALL FOR PAPERS 19th UNISA Classics Colloquium in collaboration with the ARC Discovery Project, ‘Memories of Utopia: Destroying the...

CALL. 30.08.2018: Making and Unmaking Memory in the Ancient World, from the 7th Century BCE to the 7
go to CONGRESS 19th UNISA Classics Colloquium in collaboration with the ARC Discovery Project, ‘Memories of Utopia: Destroying the past...

¿Posverdad? Mentiras, hechos alternativos y propaganda en la Antigüedad - 07/05/2018, Barcelona (Spa
La deformación de la realidad y su uso para determinados fines fue un elemento recurrente en la historiografía antigua y en los ámbitos...

3rd Annual Conference of the RIAB Center "Re-Writing History by Destruction" - 14-15-16-17
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 14-15-16-17/05/2018 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Bibliotheca Albertina, Lepzig University ; Akademie der Wissenschaften,...

The Classics in 20th Century British Sculpture - 17/04/2018, Reading (England)
The Ure Museum, in partnership with the Department of Classics and the University Art Collection are pleased to host a workshop, in...

Text and Image: Transmedial Inquiries into Ancient Near Eastern Cultures - 27/04/2018, New York (NY,
In the ancient Near East many monuments and artifacts incorporated both pictorial and written compositions. “Text and Image” has long...

Seminario AQVA: Acqua ed Entità Mostruose -03/04/2018, Roma (Italy)
FECHA /DATE/DATA : 03/04/2018 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Palazzo di Lettere e Filosofia, Aula II, Dipartimento di Studi Europei (III piano),...