CALL. 31.01.2020: Early Medieval Bioanthropology 2020. New approaches to Early Medieval funerary con
CALL. 19.01.2020: The Spatial Turn in Roman Studies: Durham - Durham (England)
Burial of the Unknown Warrior: Military burials from Ancient to Modern - 06-07/11/2020, Manchester (
CALL. 31.01.2020: Burial of the Unknown Warrior: Military burials from Ancient to Modern - Mancheste
Transitions archéologiques : intervalles de l’archéologie dans les Alpes franco-italiennes - 02-03/0
CALL. 15.01.2020: Transitions archéologiques : intervalles de l’archéologie dans les Alpes franco-it
Southern Italy in the Middle Ages: a Political, Cultural and Economic Centre (5th – 13th centuries)
CALL. 31.03.2020: Southern Italy in the Middle Ages: a Political, Cultural and Economic Centre (5th
Digitizing and Encoding Seals - 20-21/01/2020 - Venezia (Italy)
XIX Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua (UCM). X Edición Internacional - 06-07-0