29th International Congress of Papyrology - 28-29-30-31/07-01-02-03/08/2019, Lecce (Italy)
III Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores ANIHO – V SHRA: La recepción de la Antigüedad desde el Medievo
CALL. 20.09.2019: III Jornada de Jóvenes Investigadores ANIHO – V SHRA: La recepción de la Antigüeda
CALL. 28.06.2019: The Spatial Turn in Roman Studies: Auckland - Auckland (New Zealand)
Religious practice and individuality. The Significance of Personal Piety and Family Religion for the
Imagens Religiosas no Mundo Romano - 16-17-18/07/2019, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Hoards in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Practices, Contexts, Meanings - 09-10-11/10/2019
CALL. 30.07.2019: Hoards in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Practices, Contexts, Meanings
XXIV Convegno Internazionale dell’Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana: Militia inermis e Militia ar
L’atelier delle conoscenze: Aggiornamenti su ricerche ed indagini archeologiche nell’ambito del prog